Free And Unlimited Phone Calls – Internet Phone
Free phone calling from one PC to another on the Internet has been around for quite some time, now you can make phone calls to standard telephones for free and unlimited. Some latest free software can make and receive free Internet calls from your phone. VoIP phone services let you replace your traditional landline phone with one that connects over the Internet.
PC-Telephone is from, PC-Telephone(R) is a strong communications program application that enables you to exploit the full communications potential of the Internet, Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) and Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). PC-Telephone makes possible to use your computer as a digital telephone, fax machine, voicemail client, data transfer system and much more. PC-Telephone integrates the regular Computer Telephony and Internet Telephony (Voice over IP) in a single user interface.
Freshtel Internet Phone, it is from freshtel, You can make phone calls to any other Freshtel users anywhere in the world – as well as other VoiceDot partners (such as Freshtel Internet Phone UK or Tesco Internet Phone)- free of charge! You also get instant messaging and your own Voicemail box so people can leave you a message when you are unavailable or not on the Internet – for free. You can also call traditional phones both nationally and internationally with extremely competitive calling rates.
PC-Telephone is another Internet Phone product from pc-telephone, PC-Telephone is a strong communications program application that enables you to exploit the full communications potential of the Internet, Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) and Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). PC-Telephone makes possible to use your computer as a digital telephone, fax machine, voicemail client, data transfer system and much more. PC-Telephone integrates the regular Computer Telephony and Internet Telephony (Voice over IP) in a single user interface.
Solution4VOIP is unlike other systems which are composed of many different parts, Solution4VOIP platform is fully integrated in one software what makes it exceptionally easy to manage. All elements that are necessary for successful VOIP implementation are already built in.
Gizmo Project is a Internet Phone project from gizmo project, Gizmo Project is a VoIP messenger, that allow you to talk with your friends around the world. Like all VoIP applications, the software uses your Internet connection to make calls to other computers with your microphone and PC speakers. The features include free voicemail, call recording, call forwarding, conference calls and more. In addition to the voice chat, you can also use traditional (text) instant messaging. Gizmo Project comes with a neat feature that allows you to map the location of the caller (usually the address of the ISP), using Google Maps.
Globe7 is a free downloadable soft phone which enables you to make calls from pc to pc, pc to mobile and pc to landline. Globe7 offers you a free phone number to make free pc to pc calls and receive free incoming calls from any phone. Globe7 virtually converts your pc into a second phone. Globe7 also offers excellent features such as Video Call, Follow Me Service, Voice Mail, Video Chat, MP3 Player, Video Streaming, Fax and Online Search.
What you save by using Internet Phone (VoIP) in money and what you gain in convenience might be worth the trade-off. All these free software enables low cost PC to phone calls anywhere in the World. You can use the Internet phone to save up to 90% on call rates.