Cellular Phone Rental You Can Get In Any Part Of The Globe
Today, you can go to every corner of the world with a wireless phone that fits in your hand and works the minute you arrive overseas. Whether it is a business trip or a leisure travel, you are assured the best cellular phone rental for the amount of time you need.
Cellular phone rental is the cheapest way for a traveler to have the latest phone with the full assurance that it will work in the country of his destination.
Based on your requirement, you could have several types of cellular phone rental:
International cellular phone rental.
Before having an international cellular phone rental, you need to decide if you will have a cellular phone rental in the United States or rent it when you get to your destination country.
In addition, you should decide whether you want to have an online cellular phone rental, which offers great prices or have a cellular phone rental at the airport, where you pay extra for the convenience.
International cellular phone rental enables the international business and leisure traveler to stay connected in more than 170 countries throughout the world with just one cellular phone rental.
Almost all of the cellular phone rental solutions providers include 24 hour global support, 365 days a year. The portfolio of international cellular phone rental companies includes the most advanced products and services available from leading brands in the industry. Each service is tailored to meet the demanding needs of the frequent business traveler yet convenient and affordable for the leisure traveler simply wishing to stay in touch with the family.
Here are the steps to be taken to get a cellular phone rental.
1. Before you get a cellular phone rental, check with your existing cellular company. This is because your existing US cell phone may work overseas. While most US cell phones do not work abroad, some phones on the GSM standard do.
2. Plan on putting down a security deposit with your credit card, and figure out paying delivery and pick-up charges from to . Some cellular phone rental companies provide a postage-paid envelope for you to mail the phone back to them. Other cellular phone rental companies will request that you pick up and drop off your phone at the airport.
3. Compare cellular phone rental rates from different companies, because there may be special calling plans that will save money for incoming phone calls from the United States. Just make sure you compare identical services so you will know which cellular phone rental company has the best deal.
4. Decide on spending anywhere from to per week or to per day on cellular phone rentals overseas. If you will be staying a month or more, your cellular phone rental charges will vary from to 0 for each month.
5. Ask your travel agent, your destination hotel concierge in advance, your company travel office, or your contacts in the foreign country. These people will be able to direct you to legitimate cellular phone rental companies.
6. Consider having a cellular phone rental at international airports, because they have kiosks for cellular phone rental. These will be more expensive than renting one locally. You may prefer the convenience of picking it up and dropping it off at the airport.
7. Check with different international car rental agencies. You may get a free cellular phone rental or a price that is discounted from retail. Find out all charges associated with your “free phone” in advance.